The IPS brief

What was obvious from our first conversations was that IPS Group were looking to truly reflect themselves in a much more modern way online. Being one of the UK’s leading recruitment agencies and having some of the best presence on Google, it was clear the new recruitment website needed to match.

IPS was in a unique position where they had a number established brands all over the world, with multiple sites that all needed an overhaul. We set out to create a truly unique design which was created to hold the IPS core principles at heart, whilst slingshot ting them into a position where they have one of the best recruitment website in the market.

We love when we are given the reins and can truly lead the design in a way that we know will be highly modern, future proof and a site that others will look to in the future. It allowed us to present IPS with a huge amount of ideas, many of which we had never even thought of before, this again allows the new site to really stand out because people will see things they have never seen before.

What we did for IPS

Typically when we are building and designing new recruitment websites, we would take the time to understand what the client is looking for, who their users are and what the goals are for the new site. With IPS we had to take this a step further, seeing as they have branches all over the world, focusing in different markets, have different areas of expertise and all have their own opinions on what the new site should be all about. We booked out an entire day to sit down with each and every company director, marketing managers and anyone else who wanted to have their voices heard. It gave us ample opportunity to understand how everyone felt about the current site and what they’d love to see from the new site.

One a design was established, the next major step was the animation. IPS wanted something fresh and that not many other websites were doing, and we certainly pushed the boundaries in every area we could. From Memjoi based team pages, to sticky areas on pages, no area of the site was missed when it came to how we can make it come to life. The whole point is to attract the users to specific areas of the page and to give them the experience that they are highly unlikely to get on other competitor websites.

Another major piece of the project was around IPS’s SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), ensuring that their large amount of domain authority that had been built up over the years, was not only maintained by improved upon. SEO migration is one of the most important parts when building a new site, especially if you are bring a new site into the fold to act as a global group site. IPS had over 10,000 links that needed to be migrated, and we did each and every one of them manually.

See the site
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