The UK DSC brief

Formed as part of the Defence Growth Partnership and jointly funded by government and industry the UK Defence Solutions Centre aims to help improve UK defence exports. They achieve through encouraging industry collaboration and helping to stimulate innovation among their membership. This means that effective communications and membership collaboration are essential to their success.

To help achieve their aims of clear communication and membership collaboration UK DSC partnered with Strategies. We were able to combine our significant experience in building websites with our membership service software designed to encourage collaboration and communication as well as improve process efficiency to provide a packaged solution to UK DSC.

What we did for UK DSC

UK DSC needed a two-part solution. The first task was to create a visually appealing, easy to use, easy to navigate website that would carry the industry message to the wider world. This website would host the information about UK DSC, industry news, outline the strategy, and be the primary point of contact for enquiries. We used the WordPress platform and our own design team to achieve this.

The second part of the solution was to use our dedicated membership software that could plug in to the main website. The core functionality of this software is designed to allow members to communicate with each other, stay up to date with industry news, events, and strategy as well as allow UK DSG to maintain a user data-base, maintain a document library, online registration plus much much more.

See the site
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