The Go Ultra Low brief

Go Ultra Low is a joint UK government and car industry campaign designed to encourage the adoption of low emission vehicles within the UK.

The aim of the website is simple: to provide all the information users may need to see for themselves why “electric” is the future of motoring and to provide the facts and answers consumers are looking for to make an informed decision. This aim was achieved through the provision of a clear and consumer friendly design alongside a website structure that was simple and allowed consumers to rapidly find the information that they required in order to make an informed decision about switching their vehicle type.

The Go Ultra Low team also needed a website that had a simple-to-use yet powerful content management system. Having been let down by their previous web development team who had provided a messy and unconventional WordPress solution Strategies completely overhauled the deployment of WordPress, removing the clutter and allowing for an easier website to maintain.

What we did for Go Ultra Low

The Strategies web design team got to work straight away producing a new and bespoke design for the new Go Ultra Low website. Working through various iterations a final design was agreed upon that extended the rather dated, existing brand bringing it up to date whilst also presenting information in a consumer-friendly and clear fashion.

The car selector tools were visually redesigned and functionally overhauled by our development team to enable the simple maintenance of the consumer and fleet electric car database. The result is a vehicle database search function that is simple for consumers to use whilst being easy to maintain by the Go Ultra Low team. The car selector integrates with manufacturers websites and directs consumers to external websites where they can find out more information on the electric vehicles of their choice.

Performance on search engines and “SEO” was a key element of the project for the Go Ultra Low team. Strategies undertook “keyword research” and then in conjunction with the Go Ultra Low team established what major search phrases were relevant to theGo Ultra Low project. Once the volume of these terms was analysed and a final list of terms agreed the new website was optimised for these terms. One of the key aims of the website is to generate external website traffic for the manufacturers of low emission vehicles and to achieve this a great deal of focus was placed on both user journey and conversion optimisation. The results in the first quarter since launch speak for themselves:

  • Search engine traffic up 146% since new site launch
  • New users up 130%
  • Time on site doubled
See the site
Hands clapping

A few words about their experience

“I think this is one of the best looking campaign websites on the web today. I couldn’t have asked for more from the Strategies team, they went above and beyond and I am already working with them on my future projects.”

Ben Wicks