Become a Chartered Accountant (ICAS) Jobs Site

ICAS now have a leading and dedicated website, focused on providing current accountancy vacancies for chartered accountants. They’re well placed to provide an effective platform for the finance community thanks to their new Strategies developed website and dynamic Job Board.

Powered by Strategies exclusive Job Board system: JobWeb; ICAS can take advantage of all the unique features that it offers, while also displaying their own branding and marketing message. Combining the functionality and ease-of-use that JobWeb provides, but with a message and front that isn’t compromised by using our own platform.

We were able to adjust the colour of the site to match that of ICAS’s branding. Developing buttons in a way that they displayed both of the company’s dominant colours, while also making numerous other subtle changes to menu links, search bars, as well as featured and premium job placement colours, helping to blend the look of the site to ICAS’s brand.

Our JobWeb system is a leading platform that allows ICASto meet its clients and candidates’ requirements, including the ability to search by keyword, industry, level and location. Providing users with an experience that allows them to find exactly what they’re after.

See the site
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