The ADS Group brief

Strategies have a long working relationship with ADS Group stretching back over 15 years. That relationship has supported ADS through merger and growth to a point where all major membership financial transactions are now undertaken on the web.

Strategies produced a custom designed website for ADS powered by the easy-to-use and secure WordPress content management system. The website directly integrates with the ADS secure members area which was deployed at the same time.

The members area deploys all of MemberWeb’s core modules including events with a secure booking payment system and delegate management extensions. Strategies also produced a bespoke financial export and integration with ADS’ financial accounting system (Exchequer).

What we did for ADS

ADS Group had a complicated requirement including the replacement of an aging and overly complicated public website alongside a new and secure membership area. With an aging, internal CRM system largely controlling their membership and event processes and data there was also a need to replace modernise these functions and take them online. A full deployment of MemberWeb was therefore deemed necessary in addition to a full migration of all member company and user data from the existing CRM. This has proven to be extremely successful with finance transactions of over £1m per annum now being processed securely online via MemberWeb.

In addition to the MemberWEb roll-out we also designed a bespoke public website for the organisation and assisted ADS in heavily rationalising the content. All of the existing content was analysed and fully reviewed to see if it was both needed and relevant to ADS and actively read by visitors. The content that was deemed worthy to stay was then rationalised into a new site structure and all deleted pages and urls permanently redirected to pages that would remain to remove any likelihood of 404 errors and to reduce potential SEO harm.

ADS have also benefitted from our SEO consultancy services having undertaken a number of workshops with us to analyse the aims and goals of their website and how to best achieve these via SEO and the generation of organic website traffic.

See the site
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